UT Libraries Idea Hopper All the ideas and discussions
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Solicit corporate underwriting for distinct collections.

Suggest we follow the lead of sports/entertainment organizations and solicit high profile corporate underwriting for distinctive collections and/or services.

Anonymous , 30.11.2010, 14:36
Response from the site administrator
Hopper_Moderator, 08.12.2010
Forwarded to Gregory Perrin for review. He has commented below.
Idea status: under consideration


pcl, 08.12.2010, 16:38
Great idea. The Library Advancement team has done this with some success in the last few years the most noticeable being the UFCU Student Commons. I'd like to know from you and others what areas, collections, services do you think would be attractive to corporations. Keep in mind that they want value for their underwriting -- that usually comes in the form of logo placement, access to potential customers (i.e. students), promotion of their brand or product, or it matches their objectives. Corporations are not philanthropic by nature. One area that is at the top of the Library Advancement team's priority for corporate sponsorship is the PCL Map Collection online. That online site is one of the most visited sites on campus. I welcome all ideas. Thanks for the topic.
-- Gregory
onehopper, 10.12.2010, 19:47
Please, proceed with caution in this area, specially for collections. Academic excellence should drive our collections and services not what is popular, specially, not what's popular to corporations. Remember, their stakeholders are not the same as ours. As Gregory points out, corporations are not philanthropic by nature. With growing dependance on the donors and sponsors, there are many important programs that are finding hard to compete, specially in the humanities and social sciences.

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