UT Libraries Idea Hopper All the ideas and discussions
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Have fewer divisions.

DLSD and Research Services are both small divisions that could easily be folded into technical services and administrative/facility services. This could help find efficiencies. And we would need fewer, high-paid administrators.

anonymous , 07.12.2010, 14:31
Response from the site administrator
Hopper_Moderator, 07.12.2010
Forwarded to the Strategic Planning Task Force for review.
Idea status: under consideration


rudolphreindeer, 13.12.2010, 19:53
I don't feel qualified to comment on whether this particular idea world work but my related suggestion is to take a serious look at our whole organizational structure. We're so siloed and hierarchical and isn't the trend to be flatter and more team-based these days? It seems that a lot of our successful projects and endeavors are realized by teams of staff from various divisions/units/echelons but what about day to day services and operations? ClimateQual results indicated we as an organization have real communication issues, interpersonal issues, equality of workload issues, and a problematic divide between staff and administration...basically a rather toxic environment. I don't know what the solution is but it seems to me that looking at the core of how we are organized and how we are each managing and/or being managed would be wise.
whodat, 15.12.2010, 00:34
we can probably make do with two units as the suggestion proposes. i expect that before the budget crisis plays out that is what we will see here. It probably means the loss of good ADs to other schools and to retirement. But bigger salaries address the budget problems even if it means there is less opportunity for advancement here for younger staff. there is probably less opportunity for our advancement everywhere.

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